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Our Values
As a traditional and orthodox Lutheran congregation, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity upholds and supports the following 7 items:
- The Holy Trinity of One God in Three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
- The Holy Scriptures as divinely inspired, and the norm and rule of Christian life.
- The Lutheran Confessions.
- The Ecumenical Creeds: Apostle’s, Nicene, and Athanasian.
- Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms that includes:
The Lord’s Prayer, The Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds, The Ten Commandments, Baptism, The Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion), Return to Baptism (Living out our baptisms).
- Marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
Mission Statement
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, Irwin, PA is an open family of Christ, growing spiritually and in membership. As a congregation, we are committed to care for each other, sister congregations, our community and our world. Through faith in Jesus Christ we worship and pray, teach and learn, live and serve.
A welcoming congregation, journeying together and growing in Christ’s love as called to love, care, and serve all.
As the body of Christ, bound to the Lutheran Confessions in this time and place, we are a full service congregation committed to our current mission goals and are always looking for the opportunity to expand our Christian service in our community by: community service focused in outreach, complete creation of Safe Haven for Children, community hospitality, continued support of community events, generous in local and global financial support, participate in Caring program for children, responsive to the changing needs of our community seven days a week, volunteer our facilities and services to the Red Cross in times of disaster.
We witness to the love of Christ to the community surrounding our Church, to the wounded and disenfranchised in our society, to the global community through our Synod, our ELCA, and Lutheran World Federation
We serve our Church and community in Jesus’ name through our time, talents, facilities and finances. We serve our Church by supporting the Bishop’s Mission Appeal, exceeding our yearly benevolence goal, Fostering a Safe Haven for children, by feeding the hungry, continuing support of Meals on Wheels and our food pantry, minister to the downtrodden, support the ELCA disaster relief fund, serve our community, accommodate the Seton Hill Day Care Center, and to sponsor and support scouting.