What is Christian Education at Holy Trinity?
You may think it’s Sunday School – and it is, but it’s more!
Sunday School meets 9:30-10:30am Sunday mornings September through May. We currently have a PreK-1st grade class, a 2nd through 4th grade class, and a 5th & 6th grade class that participate in rotations, that are traveling to a different classroom each week for an activity and lesson (like art, games, video, science, music, cooking, puppets, and more).
Our youth, grades 7-12 meet in the youth room for lessons in applying the Bible to their everyday life.
We have 2 adult classes – Contemporary Adult studies Biblical passages alongside modern day issues and Adult Forum looks at the Bible and personal experiences in their faith walk.
Our Sunday School has special events such as making Chrismons celebrating the first Sunday of Advent; we have a Rally Day kick-off picnic in September; we learn about how other cultures celebrate Christmas the First Sunday After Christmas; we have a celebration banquet honoring our teachers and students at the close of the Sunday School year in May.
Beyond Sunday School, we have a Cradle Roll program for our newly baptized children through age 4 that provide them with a monthly newsletter and activities to nurture faith in the family.
There is Bible Study every Thursday at Lunch (noon) led by Pastor Suehr and additional learning experiences and resources provided by Michelle Kunkle, our DCEYM, including summer VBS, devotionals and materials for family, a library (including books, devotionals, Bibles, children’s books, and videos), and more.
Feel free to join us for any of the above events or to contact:
Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministry
Michelle Kunkle.