Holy Trinity Irwin has an active Youth Group for grades 7-12. These youth are serious about serving God, using their God-given talents and gifts to proclaim the gospel message and make a difference in their community and the world. We learn, serve, and have lots of fun together!
The youth served at Food Pantry distribution and at the Senior Luncheon as well as Christmas Caroling to our Homebound and held a day of Babysitting for families who needed to Christmas Shop. They led both services on February 5th as part of Souper Bowl Sunday, collecting over $600 for the HTLC Food Pantry that serves our local families.
The youth served hot cocoa for Irwin Light-Up night in November and received many kind donations from the community
The youth meet weekly for fun, dinner, devotions, and prayers as well as events like Carpet Sliding, Bowling, Formal Dinner, and retreats like YouthFest at camp Lutherlyn March 24-26.
Contact our Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministry, Michelle Kunkle, at 724-863-7350×14 or [email protected] to learn more!